Thursday, November 8, 2018

HOW TO: Croton Plant Care

So, you've just brought home one of these colorful beauties and you want to keep it lush and beautiful. Allow us to help!

Crotons are offered in different types, wide and narrow leaf varieties, even ones with curling leaves. But they all crave the same basic care needs: Bright light (not direct sunlight), proper watering and the right size container. Inside the home, temperatures should be between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures above 80F may cause your croton to wilt, dry out and drop leaves.

Between waterings, allow the soil to dry out. Do not over-water your plant, for it will cause the leaves to yellow (and possibly rot). Slowly add water and allow it to soak into the soil.
Fertilize your plant once a month with a fertilizer low in nitrogen. Back off the fertilizer during Winter. If you place your croton outdoors during Summer months, a dappled sunlight is best (you could "cook" the plant in full sun).  Use a pot with a draining hole and saucer and good potting soil that retains moisture.

Come see the varieties of Crotons we have at Oakdale Greenhouses – ours are specially selected for robust growth inside your home. Visit our website for maps, hours, directions and more information: